We live in times where large internet platforms often create defensibility by locking in data created by their users. This is understandable from a business perspective — however it also means that the internet is now fragmented into innumerable data silos. User data is trapped and not available for use across other applications and networks.

Whereas this may be seen as a mere nuisance in say social networking (for users, for new consumer internet entrepreneurs this has become a real barrier to entry) it can stifle innovation in other business and scientific areas that depend on data being open and portable across applications and services.

Of course the blockchain promises an internet with less gatekeepers and data silos, but there are other approaches. We are looking to engage with open data entrepreneurs that are building platforms where data is open as a default: platforms where users (and organisations) can contribute to a joint data pool, but also port their own data in a seamless way. Platforms where the business model is built on providing adjacent application, insight and services layers around data — but the core principle does not rely on owning and locking in user data.

We are giving away 15 tickets to Tech Open Air in Berlin (13th & 14th of July) to folks building open data platforms — and on the evening of the 13th we want to bring those 15 entrepreneurs + the BlueYard team together in a room to discuss and share open data experiences over pizza & beer. If you are interested in this conversation drop a short email to team@blueyard.com with a few details on what you are building in open data. We are excited to hear from you.